
How to adjust the sensitivity settings of Safeguard COMPASS®


Once you‘ve turned on your Safeguard COMPASS® and have verified that it is “on” by performing a Live-Dead-Live Test, you can then adjust the sensitivity settings othe device to your preference. 

To do this, you will first need to check the voltage sensitivity setting your device is currently set to.  

  1. Hold the main button down until blue lights on the far left and far-right side of the device flash.  
  2. Immediately take your finger off the main button.  

You will then see a number red light/lights. The number of red lights lit indicates how sensitive this unit is in detecting an electrical field. One red light indicates the lowest setting, seven red lights indicate the highest setting. In addition to the seven settings, COMPASS® also has a smart adaptive setting you can choose.  

To adjust the voltage sensitivity setting, you must: 

  1. Press the main button down briefly for 1 second. This allows you to turn the voltage detection level up by one. 
  2. Continue clicking the main button until you have it set at the setting you want. 
  3. Once you’ve got the sensitivity level set to where you’d like it, press and hold the main button down until two green lights flash on both sides of the device.  

Once you’ve adjusted the voltage sensitivity settings, the device will then take you to the current sensitivity settings in which blue lights are displayed. In this setting, you, likewise, have seven settings of sensitivity plus a smart adaptive mode.  

Yocan choose either no current detection, low, medium, and high current detection.  

To adjust the current sensitivity settings, you must: 

  1. Press the main button down briefly for 1 second. This allows you to turn the current detection level up by one. 
  2. Continue clicking the main button until you have it set at the setting you want. 
  3. Once you’ve got the sensitivity level set to where you’d like it, press and hold the main button down until two green lights flash on both sides of the device. 

Your Safeguard COMPASS® is now calibrated!  

Please Note: The smart adaptive mode is predominantly looking for a 50% change in the strength of the field.


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