Staying Warm This Winter

Staying Warm This Winter

Several occupations carry a high risk of injury. Over the last century, regulations have been enacted to reduce the risk of injuries to workers in every field. In addition, new technologies have been developed that can make jobs safer. Sometimes these technologies...
4 Reasons Why Electrical Safety Matters

4 Reasons Why Electrical Safety Matters

PVDs, or personal voltage detectors, are saving lives. While individuals working in the power and electrical sector don’t have to be convinced about the importance of electrical safety and why PPE is so essential, other industries may need a friendly reminder. Here...
Is Your Generator Hook-up Risking Lives?

Is Your Generator Hook-up Risking Lives?

Almost everyone experiences power outages now and then. They are more common during the winter when wind and storms can knock down power lines. Sometimes, an outage does not do more than inconvenience you for a short period. Still, there are times when it can...
Utility Line Workers: One of the Most Dangerous Jobs

Utility Line Workers: One of the Most Dangerous Jobs

Several occupations carry a high risk of injury. Over the last century, regulations have been enacted to reduce the risk of injuries to workers in every field. In addition, new technologies have been developed that can make jobs safer. Sometimes these technologies...
Why All PVDs Need Directional Detection

Why All PVDs Need Directional Detection

Personal voltage detectors can prevent workplace injuries by alerting workers to the presence of electrically charged objects, including machines, wires, or outlets. Unlike many PVDs on the market, COMPASS™ PVDs from Safeguard Equipment® feature directional...