What Industries Can Benefit From PVDs

What Industries Can Benefit From PVDs

Personal Voltage Detectors (PVDs) alert workers to the presence of energized wires or equipment. Jobs that involve working with electrical equipment or power sources, particularly if they are damaged or faulty, or jobs that expose workers to energized equipment in wet...
Safety Training for Line Workers: a Necessity

Safety Training for Line Workers: a Necessity

Utility line workers are exposed to various hazards on the job, including electrical shock, falls, and burns. As a result, safety training is crucial to ensure their safety and the safety of those around them.  Line work is consistently a profession that ranks at the...
National Lineman Appreciation Day: April 18, 2023

National Lineman Appreciation Day: April 18, 2023

  In the United States, days, weeks, and months are designated for various causes and celebrations. Some of them are plain silly, like National Banana Cream Pie Day (March 2), but others should give us pause and make us take a moment to reflect. One day of this...
What is All That Stuff on a Utiity Pole?

What is All That Stuff on a Utiity Pole?

What Do Utility Poles Carry? Utility poles, also called telephone poles or power poles, are an essential part of urban and rural infrastructure. Though we grow up around them and frequently see people working on them, many of us don’t think too hard about utility...