Giving Back: Fallen Linemen Charities

Giving Back: Fallen Linemen Charities

Have you ever noticed that you don’t think too much about how much you rely on your car or smartphone until they don’t work? When they go south, we realize how much we need them to get through the day, whether it’s getting to work, shopping, or communicating with...
What Training Do I Need To Become a Utility Lineman

What Training Do I Need To Become a Utility Lineman

Are you looking for a career that is both physically and mentally challenging? Would you rather work outdoors than in a stuffy office? Do you want a job that makes a real difference in people’s daily lives? Becoming a utility lineman may be the perfect fit for...
National Lineman Appreciation Day: April 18, 2023

National Lineman Appreciation Day: April 18, 2023

  In the United States, days, weeks, and months are designated for various causes and celebrations. Some of them are plain silly, like National Banana Cream Pie Day (March 2), but others should give us pause and make us take a moment to reflect. One day of this...
What is All That Stuff on a Utiity Pole?

What is All That Stuff on a Utiity Pole?

What Do Utility Poles Carry? Utility poles, also called telephone poles or power poles, are an essential part of urban and rural infrastructure. Though we grow up around them and frequently see people working on them, many of us don’t think too hard about utility...