
Does the Safeguard COMPASS® work in a substation?

Answer: Yes. It will work in a substation when the voltage sensitivity setting is set to “Smart-Adaptive” mode. For the best results, we advise that the current sensitivity setting is set to “off.” Views: 30

Can my Safeguard Compass® be Updated with New Software?

Answer: Safeguard is always looking for ways to improve the functionality and performance of the Safeguard COMPASS®. Our latest software update was offered on July 28, 2019. If your Safeguard COMPASS® has a unit number over 4866 then it will have the latest version of...

Can the Battery be Replaced?

Answer: No. The battery is rechargeable through a micro USB port. The standard life expectancy of the battery is five to ten years depending on the level of usage. Views: 29

Is the Safeguard Compass® Waterproof?

Answer: Due to its design, the Safeguard COMPASS® isn’t rated to be “waterproof;” however, it is rated to be “water-resistant.” Do not fully submerge the Safeguard COMPASS® in water as it could be damaged. Views: 25